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Rajinikanth shares importance of rainwater harvesting, Into The Wild episode
(Saturday, 28th March 2020)

The thalaiva of tollywood Rajinikanth had recently shot an episode of the popular adventure show ‘Into the wild’ with Bear Grylls which premiered on Discovery channel India. The episode was shot in Bandipur wildlife sanctuary. 

The most awaited episode which aired on Monday has been trending since then. The superstar has made his television debut with this series in which previously Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also taken part. After the episode got aired, it received a lot of love by the audience, so much so that it started trending on twitter with hashtags #ThalaivaonDiscovery and #Rajinikanth right on top. 

In the episode it is seen that Rajinikanth and Bear Grylls explore the wilderness of Bandipur National Park, where the Thalaiva not only climbed the iron bridge but also crossed a water body.

Previously, we heard the news that Rajinikanth suffered minor injuries while shooting in forests but the actor immediately clarified that he sustained only scratches. He told the media, "I have finished shooting for the 'Into the wild' episode. I have not received any wounds but some scratches due to little thorns. I am alright.” 

He also narrated his experience with Bear Grylls for the show as an “unforgettable experience” and also posted on twitter 

"Thank you very much dear Bear Grylls for an unforgettable experience ... Love you Discovery India. Thank you. #IntoTheWildWithBearGrylls."

The superstar is the second Indian after Prime Minister Narendra Modi to take part in the Show. 






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