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Put a full stop to the Tamasha
(Wednesday, 15th October 2008)

According to me, Super Star has taken a very correct decision NOW going by his statement released to the press.

In his statement, Rajini has clealry told that he is at present focussing on Yendhiran - The Robot, a mega budget movie. So, if any of his fans want to join politics they are free to join any party of their choice. The statement ends with a typical Rajini punch "Nobody
can force me to come to politics; nor anybody can stop me, if I decide to come to politics".

Without stopping there, Rajini has continued the statement with a last sentence "In such a situation (when I decide to come to politics), I will welcome all my fans from whichever party they are from". This shows his intent and as and when he starts a party those fans who want to join with Rajini can do so.

Following is my take on Rajini 's above statement:

I think Rajini has issued a Statement of Intent for the future. After his off-the cuff answer to NDTV Reporter's question in the presence of PM during last year, when he said that if God wishes, he will don the role of a politician, this statement goes one step further with his intention. Good augury for the future.

I have been of the opinion that NOTHING POLITICALLY HEAD-GOING HAS HAPPENED RECENTLY to start this "Rajini should come to politics" campaign in the first place. All these Tamasha are the handiwork of (First) Dinamalar news in Sep'08, (Second) fanned later by J(aundice) Vikatan with an interview with Sathyanarayana and (Third) sustained by Yellow Reporter with its own screen-play subsequently. The "so-called" fans voluntarily fell victim to this sinister business strategy of these monstrous media.

When there was no political or people-related event or disaster has happened or Rajini himself has not expressed any desire or ambition, what exactly triggered this whole tamasha is a million dollar question. So, according to me, this campaign was DEAD FROM THE BEGINNING ITSELF. If anyone seriously believed that Rajini will come
to politics at this juncture based on the above campaign, THEY WERE LIVING IN FOOLS PARADISE.

Anybody who knows or follows Rajini will surely know that Rajini never indulges in multifarious activities simultaneously. For that matter, for the last couple of decades he doesn't even act in more than one movie at a time. Even though Rajini accepted Kuselan after Robot, he acted in Kuselan well before the shooting of Robot started. So, expecting Rajini to start a political party or an NGO to do some social activity, WHEN THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS THAT HE IS ACTING IN YENDHIRAN, is a foolish expectation which was bound to fail from Day one.


The biggest joke during the last month or so when this tamasha was going on was RAJINI HAS NOT UTTERED A SINGLE WORD ABOUT ANYTHING but still many people, who call themselves fans, willingly believed whatever the cunning media dished out to them. Of course, some of the Rajini fans websites also did their bit to spread the artificial frenzy. May be they would have thought, when so much is happening and if we don't merge with the jothi and if Rajini actually comes to politics, we will be left in the lurch. so, they also played along with popular sentiments, which only increased the fans frenzy further.

I am surprised that many Rajini fans - even educated ones at that - could not see the bigger picture & ask some basic question like: what has happened now to force Rajini to make a decision? Why are we believing these same media which were doing anti-Rajini surveys & reports till recently?

Once a MOB mentality like this sets-up, it will be difficult to control it later on. As far as the monstrous media referred to above is concerned, they did it deliberately to increase their circulation. They know anything with the name Rajini sells. So, whatever bull-shit
story they dished out, many Rajini fans, who till the previous day were angry with these same mags for anti-Rajini stories, willingly bought & read them. It is like "Two Mangoes With One Stone" situation for these mags. By publishing about Rajini's so-called impending political entry, they increased their circulation by leaps and bounds. Also, these mags know before-hand that when people ultimately come to know that Rajini has yet again not come to politics, many fans will desert him, which is what they want & thats why they were carrying out anti-Rajini survey and propaganda till recently. Finally, they have succeeded in their game plan by manipulating the foolish Rajini fans.

Without any involvement of Rajini or his statement, these media created their own story of Rajini's political entry & October revoultion etc. When Rajini is finally forced to issue a statement to stop this non-sense, many of his fans start questioning him that he is
indecisive, again he has disappointed, etc. Poor Rajini. For no fault of him, now he is being blamed. Did Rajini say that he will announce his decision in Oct'08? Did Rajini say that he will decide one way or another on politics in Oct'08? Without any word or signal or statement of any sort from Rajini, if the fans believed the media stories on their own & then blame Rajini when finally whatever the media reported has not become true, is it correct and fair?

Some over-zealous fans in Coimbatore went to the  extent of starting a political party without Rajini's permission, with a name ending with "Kazhagam" in typical TN style. The way they named that party itself proved to me that THESE SO-CALLED FANS ARE UNFIT TO BE RAJINI FANS because if at all Rajini starts a party in future, its name will be anything but KAZHAGAM. Whenever Rajini indulges in politics, he will do it differently & uniquely in all aspects & party name is the first area where he will start showing the differentiation. So, I knew that day itself, that these fans are going to be expelled, which is what is going to happen if they don't mend their ways at least now.

Like some of the Coimbatore fans who started a party, some Chennai fans met secretly & demanded nothing short of a political party from Rajini. All this looked like "digging their own grave". It looked to me as though all these so-called fans were hell-bent on spoiling
Rajini's image in public by such indisciplined acts without waiting or giving Rajini an opportunity.

Obviously, Rajini's reaction came the way it should come from anyone who doesn't want to be black-mailed. Yes. All these acts are pure black-mails by the fans. If they thought by doing these things they can force Rajini to enter politics, they must be fools. And with his statement, Rajini has clearly told them to go & join any party of their choice, if they are so much interested to come to politics, since he has to focus on Yendhiran now.

As a reaction to Rajini's statement, some fans have started vomiting some gems like this:

1. Rajini should not have issued the statement without first meeting the fans. I ask them why this double standard? When fans can start the party or arrange secret meeting without first waiting for Rajini to meet them, why Rajini can't issue a statement of his real intention without meeting them? It is the fans' action, which has spoiled their chances of meeting Rajini & now they don't have any moral authority to question him about the statement.

2. Another vomitter's gem: Rajini has confused again & there is no clarity. Either the vomitter doesn't know English or he doesn't want to understand. When Rajini says that he is at present focussing on Yendhiran, what more clarity you want? He is also categorical in saying that I CAN'T BE EITHER FORCED TO START A PARTY OR STOPPED FROM
STARTING A PARTY, IF I DECIDE TO DO SO. He has made it very clear that
he can't be forced into making any decision. Which is quite understandable.

If only it was some other actor, they would have made use of the frenzy of the past month & started jumping up & down by now by starting a party without any rhyme or reason. But, Rajini is not just another actor but a responsible citizen of India. He knows that
politics is a serious profession & unless one is able to give more than 100% of his time, you can't expect people's support. Therefore, since his present focus is only on Yendhiran, which is mega budget movie of Rs. 125 to Rs. 150 crore worth, he doesn't want to do injustice to the producer & director of that movie. Hence, Rajini has
clearly told that as long as he is working on Yendhiran, he will not be doing anything else.

3. One more gem from another vomitter says that "like Kamal said he is not interested in politics,why can't Rajini also say so?"

It is a good joke. Now, I, Arunachalam, hereby declare that I am NOT interested in coming to politics & I will concentrate on my job only.

Whatever weightage my above statement carries, Kamal's statement will also carry the same. Who cares if Kamal is interested in politics or not? Mudavan Kombu Thenukku Aasaipada Koodaathu. Don't ever compare Rajini's political entry with Kamal or any other joker because if Rajini decides to come to politics, he will do it uniquely with well
thought out policies & well laid out plans to ensure people benefit if they vote for his party. All other actors are in politics only to convert their black money into white & enjoy the power with their families.


So, whatever has happened in the past month are the handiwork of TN Media and Rajini fans are willing victims & Rajini has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Monstrous media of TN reaped a rich financial reward by increasing their circulation with all false & bull shit stories to increase fans frenzy. Rajini's only contribution in the whole episode is to PUT A FULL STOP TO THE TAMASHA OF PAST MONTH.

Therefore, there is no point in blaming Rajini for this Tamasha, which is self-inflicted by fans themselves. How can anybody condone an act of foolishness?


15 Comment(s)Views: 987

Monday, 3rd November 2008 at 06:33:23

nobody stop our thalaivar political tornado if he decides nice article
Monday, 3rd November 2008 at 06:30:59

Arun we r same in name and even in devotion to our real life god thalaivar ss RAJINI sir
Friday, 17th October 2008 at 10:53:47

Su....u.........u....u.u.perb Arun.
dhanush karthik,india
Friday, 17th October 2008 at 00:26:23

I really think it was a very practical journal you have written, bottom of my heart i really think rajini should be more concentrated in the movies which he is going to act as we all started to love him from that, I also really think he is doing his share of good work for the society. Guys lets stop this stuff of politics and encourage him to act in various roles and good pictures. last but not the least lets hail and do think we have more of his movies
Thursday, 16th October 2008 at 15:07:46

I would agree with Anand below. I too am a great fan of Rajini, his acting, his reel and real life- and try to emulate some of his characteristics as much as possible. However, as Anand clearly pointed out it might be necessary for thalaivar to settle this issue once for all- or at least say if he is "interested" (mark my words and dont read between lines:) )in politics or not. I personally do not prefer him entering politics but as disagreements are bound to rise, I would keep the opinion to myself. The politics in TN is quite different from AP and hence comparisons are not valid here. Look at VKanth and what he has to face in order to sustain himself- court, cases, building demolitions etc --My few cents...
Thursday, 16th October 2008 at 12:09:05

I'm also a die hard Rajini fan and will continue to be but I dont agree with the above. The reason why all this speculation has been going around for all these years is because thalivar has never made his stance clear. No one is asking him for a written statement, people just want to know what his intentions are. It is all right to say Robo is important now but what people want to know is is he interested in coming to politics or not. They dont want to know "WHEN". They just want to know is he or is he not. The day he gives the answer to that, all this confusion will stop.

Rasigar En 7,USA
Thursday, 16th October 2008 at 09:45:47

Fantastic Writeup!! BUT, Why did Rajni allow the WHOLE "TAMASHA" in the first place? When such false information was doing the rounds and the perpetrators of this were reaping rich financial rewards and loyal fans were being 'voluntarily' converted to xxxx - why was the LION silent? Had Thalaivar come out with an open-statement the moment these mags came out with their B**SH*T none of this would've ever happened. But what did Thalaivar 'choose' to do? Once again, this stresses the need for a very strong PR firm to do media management for Thalaivar. We can not have Jaundice Vikatan and other mags dishing out whatever they want to, about Thalaivar, make millions and leave millions of people disillusioned. I loved your write-up very very very much (especially the ending part where you've listed about the 'vomit's). However, to term all other actors to have selfish motive and to call a co-worker and good friend of Thalaivar (Kamal Hassan) a joker seems a little too much on a public forum. Personally, I would be so very happy to agree with your opinion - but on a public forum we should try our best to restrain (at least from calling Kamal a joker - which is not so far fetched from the truth, though - LOL). Rgds, MN
Thursday, 16th October 2008 at 08:17:55

Real thoughts of a 'TRUE RAJINI FAN' excellent.
polli rasigargalukku idhu sariyana netthiyadi

bharatha priyan,
Thursday, 16th October 2008 at 03:58:44

I read it again wonderful Mr.Arun.Most of them who wants him to come to politics by forcing,threatning are not his fans at all.

k s amarnath,bangalore
Thursday, 16th October 2008 at 01:24:32

arun u r a genius what a stunning report u have given hats off
Thursday, 16th October 2008 at 01:13:01

sensible article arun. really appreicate ur efforts in conveying the media and common man about the facts
Thursday, 16th October 2008 at 00:00:20

hi arun, spon on this was exactly my thought on the whole issue
Wednesday, 15th October 2008 at 23:19:48

fantastic article
veejay,USA / Burlington MA
Wednesday, 15th October 2008 at 22:51:33

A very nice.. well analysed n sensible article. True fans will always be with Thalaivar.
bharatha priyan,
Wednesday, 15th October 2008 at 21:11:52

good article

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