A moment to think
A few words to all fans who wait with bated breath for October to come, for what Thalaivar would decide and for all the Himalayan expectations that goes along with it…
It is indeed true that most of the fans want Thalaivar to enter politics and give a clean government to TN. I make a humble request to all the people who are most favored to hold key positions in the event of our Thalaivar entering politics. You would have all done so much of welfare activities. Such activities make us really feel proud.
At this juncture, we need to think clearly for a moment. If it was only our Thalaivar who could have made a difference, then he would have taken the plunge long back. Thalaivar would have also achieved so much..
But, this is a feat which a single man could never ever achieve. Thalaivar knows this well. All of you know this; we don’t need to tell you. To implement and achieve what Thalaivar wishes would at-least take thousand hardworking selfless people with Him.
There would be crores of fans who would be ready to even give their life for Thalaivar. Trust me, such people are there. But just having them would not help or facilitate Thalaivar to take a socio political plunge.
If we need to stand alongside Thalaivar, the need of the hour is selfless social consciousness and advanced futuristic non conservative thinking. We need to think about our roles and responsibilities in this society and how we could contribute to transform our society as per the current needs and the ever changing world around us. We need to have ideas and thoughts that could break the current political tradition and shape the politics for the future.
Let us all take a moment to self analyze ourselves. How many of us declare and pay proper income tax. Those who are employed for monthly wages have their employers to do this task for them. Let’s keep them aside for this alone…
Among those who are self employed, how many declare and pay proper income tax? If most of them pay, then we need to feel really proud and happy.
To explain the social ills of black money, our Thalaivar treated us with a wonderful movie ‘Sivaji’. If we don’t pay proper IT, then it definitely means that either we don’t work hard or we don’t have ability to make clean money or we are not truthful to our consciousness. If we are like this, then we could not contribute anything constructive for this society.
I am not blaming all our fellow fans. There are thousands of fans who have come up by sheer means of hard work and would have even made our Thalaivar feel proud. But I only want to blame fans who want Thalaivar to take the political plunge and bear the burden all by himself, while they roam around freely with no responsibility or social awareness.
Thalaivar has been preaching fans to take care of themselves and their families for the past 20 years. Our Thalaivar tells this from his heart. We know that. A true Thalaivar fan would have listened to and followed what was said. There is no doubt about it.
Paying IT is not the only thing that I talk about here. You could question me that if just by paying proper IT could a person be really get responsible? Absolutely valid… Paying IT properly would never mean that someone is responsible and socially aware. But in today’s corrupt world, paying IT is the least that someone could do to ensure that he contributes something for this society. If someone is not even able to do the least of things, how could he do anything else?
So how can such people be helpful for Thalaivar? We expect Thalaivar to bring about never seen before changes to TN politics. We place a lot of our expectations on Thalaivar shoulders. But are we really going to strengthen Thalaivar?
(Yes we can, if we constructively contribute to the society.)
Even if Thalaivar announces his political plunge, he would go about the same in a slow and steady manner. He might not even start our political party in a hurry. All of the fan club leaders and members, please self analyze yourselves before the same. This is like a last chance we have to correct ourselves. Let us do it now. Now is the time to change. Let us use this opportunity. Thalaivar would stand with us. Even time, fate and destiny is with us.
With Love, Thinakar
Translated by Sriram Murali