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Why Muthu didn t celebrate Silver Jubilee?
(Thursday, 18th September 2008)

Kavithalaya's Muthu was released in 1995 Deepavali.

The film had a very average report and that time Kamal's Kurudhipunal report was good.  But, after 3 weeks our Maharaja surpass Kurudhipunal and rocked all over box office.  For city, Muthu collected more than 1 Crore within 60 days which was a record during that time. This collection was published in Kalki magazine. 

Muthu ran 50 days at 92 theaters. This was new record during that time.

All over Tamil Nadu, Muthu ran 85 days in 55 centres. Muthu was removed from 25 theaters before reaching 100 days. Only in 30 centers, Muthu managed to run 100 days.  If it had run in 55 centers, Muthu would have surpassed China Thambi records (38 centers).  All were because of production house and they were keen interest in earning money not a record and merit of the film.

Muthu created record run at Devi Paradise (Chennai). This is the first film which ran 123 days in 4 shows.  The theater management said that Muthu was doing great business and this was the first film which crossed more than 100 days in 4 shows.  Even Ulagam Sutrum Valiban and Aboorva Sagothargal had only ran more than 100 days with 3 shows per day. The theater management was ready to run the move until 175 Days to make it Silver Jubilee but Kavithalaya Production was greedy in getting money soon and they removed the film and given for second release. 

Till 123 days the film was running in 4 shows at Devi Paradise.  This was the second highest ran at DP after Moondru Mugam. Finally, Muthu completed 150 days at Sakthi Abirami (noon show)

When compared with Tamil and Telugu 100 days advertisement, Telugu advertisment was super.  It was full page ad in Telegu cinema weekly Superhit magazine.

Muthu created another record. It is the first Indian film which was dubbed in Japanese. Rajini and Meena were so famous among Japanese until today. Muthu ran 163 days in Japan. 

TVE Rajesh

20 Comment(s)Views: 4585

Thursday, 20th August 2009 at 03:56:17

muthu movie had great sucess in japan 365 days in 15 theaters.....
alagan.rajkumar,india madurai
Thursday, 25th September 2008 at 02:16:31

Dear tveraajesh,it is a true one muthu celebrated 175 days in priya complex madurai.for that my friend VILAKKUTUN PALANI BASHA GIVEN MUDI KANIKKAI.AND ONE MORE THING RAJATHIRAJA ALSO COMPLETED 25 WEEKS IN NADANA THEATRE.
Saturday, 20th September 2008 at 21:11:00

super star is my god...he is simple man with golden heart....thalaivaaa i like u....
rajan rajendran,bahrain
Saturday, 20th September 2008 at 03:24:23

Friday, 19th September 2008 at 11:17:25

super star is my god
Friday, 19th September 2008 at 06:37:39

Muthu was released October 1995 diwali day and BAASHA was released on January 1995. Basha celebrated 100 days in around 80 screens. So Baasha had surpassed China Thambi records before the release of Muthu .
sathya narayanan,tirunelveli
Friday, 19th September 2008 at 01:50:11

it was released in 2 theaters in tirunelveli
both theater earned double profit what they invested i am very close friend of pvt theater owner son he told me iit create new history in tirunelveli.only one magic man can do the same same for sivaji it ran 100 days in 3 theates .next we are expecting robo for 5 theater alone in tvl . valga thalaivar

Friday, 19th September 2008 at 01:36:07

Dear Hariharan

No Muthu released on 25.10.1995 diwali day and the same day KP released. Sathi Leelavathi released on 1995 pongal 14.01.1995 along with our Record film BAASHA (12.01.1995). Nammavar released during 1994 diwali day. YES NO DOUBT MUTHU WAS INTERNATIONAL SUPER HIT.

Pramod Kumar,Visakhapatnam
Friday, 19th September 2008 at 00:20:13

Hello Friends,

I joined this Group because, like you all, I am also a great fan of Rajnikanth, though I am basically a north Indian. But Rajnikanth has always created a great impression on me not only because of his Charismatic Acting but because of his great charitable services.
GOD has given him a lot

mohd fauzi,malaysia
Thursday, 18th September 2008 at 22:51:39

dont very guyz our thalaiver next golden jublin is robot k.
Hariharan R,India/Bangalore
Thursday, 18th September 2008 at 11:25:58

The analysis was very good. But, for your information, Kuruthippunal released in the year of 1996. I think, Sathi Leelavathi or Nammavar was released during that time. But, as for my knowledge, Muthu was a great hit during that time.
Shajahan,India, Mayiladuthurai
Thursday, 18th September 2008 at 11:17:11

I saw this movie in Singapore at Golden Sultan Theater. This theater opened 3 months before Muthu release. There is no hit movie or big stars movie was released before Muthu. Muthu was the first film to be released for bigger star. They competed with Hoover Theater to grab this movie. It was screened after one week from Deepavali. I was so desparate and everyday i will check with theater staffs on the release date. This movie was great success for this theater and from there on all the big stars movies were released there. It ran about 40 days in that theater. Unforgettable flashback!
Thursday, 18th September 2008 at 09:27:30

wow ..... excellent information about our "SUPER STAR".....I want these type of information is helpful for us .... u done great job and wish to continue........
Thursday, 18th September 2008 at 08:48:31

fantastic !! keep posting these types of records of thalaivar. thank u very much.
Thursday, 18th September 2008 at 07:40:30

I SAW THIS MOVIE ON THE 2ND DAY AT RATHNA THEATRE DHARMAPURI WITH A JAM PACKED WHISTLING CROWD. THOSE ARE SWEET MEMORIES.Before that,I'had Been waiting in the Q for more than 1 hour for getting tickets.
Thursday, 18th September 2008 at 07:20:40

Dear Alagan Rajkumar

I got a confirmation from my source that Muthu was not SJ at Madurai and it ran 150 days at priya complex and 125 days at solaimalai.

Thursday, 18th September 2008 at 07:05:09

wow, great Rajini sir


alagan.rajkumar,india madurai
Thursday, 18th September 2008 at 06:51:22

Thursday, 18th September 2008 at 06:01:56

I saw muthu in nellai PVT on 95 th day . The thatre was almost houseful.The film was screened in two theatres.The so called superhit movies were not even 45 % full on 50 th day on those days.So Obviously Muthu is a super duper mega hit movie.
Thursday, 18th September 2008 at 05:53:54

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