Rajinikanth starrer Chandramukhi has created a new record in the history of Tamil cinema. After Thyagaraja Bhagavathar's Haridas, Chandramukhi has won the unique distinction of running continuously in a theatre for 600 days.
The film which was released in Shanthi Theatres in Chennai on 14 April, 2005, is still running in the cinema hall.
Says Venugopalan, the director of Shanthi Theatres, “We never expected the movie to see such a fabulous run. We are screening the noon show in Shanthi theatre now. It's amazing that over 50 per cent of the seats are filled up even today. All the artistes who were part of the movie had been to the theatre to watch the film in the last few months. Plans are on to hold a grand function at Nehru Stadium in Chennai to celebrate this rare feat by Chandramukhi.â€Â
A remake of the critically acclaimed Malayalam movie Manichitrathazhu, the movie broke several box office records and is currently one of the highest grossing movies ever, in the Indian film industry.
It stars Rajinikanth, Prabhu, Jyothika, Nayantara, Vineeth and Malavika. It was produced by actor Prabhu under his home banner, Sivaji Productions, named after his father, Sivaji Ganesan. The movie was directed by P Vasu. Music was composed by Vidyasagar.