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Rajini s acting is comparable to international actors
(Friday, 14th November 2008)

Superstar's Enthiran is produced at a high budget and it was estimated cost around few crores. Aishwarya Rai is pairing with Tamil Superstar Rajini in Enthiran. Recently, a song shooting was carried out at overseas with Rajini and Aish. In this scenario, Aishwarya Rai has shared her experience with our Superstar.

I was excited to see Rajini's fast and active acting. Even though he is a big actor, he looks very simple. From light boy to small actors, he just mingle with them in a simple manner. I have only acted with him in Enthiran and i managed to find a great personality in him. Rajini is Indian Superstar whom i can compare his acting to international actors.

Rajini is so humble that he will even discuss with light men and co-artist with regard to his acting. He even taught me some of the acting skills which required for some of the scenes in Enthiran. I have not seen such a Superstar who can teach me all these! He is so open and he doesn't feel anyone as a competitor.

His simplicity, humanity, improving his acting ability, etc which i can talk about him continously. I have no words to praise or appreciate him. I have learned alot from him!

18 Comment(s)Views: 2051

Thursday, 6th August 2009 at 01:16:18

I love You Rajinikanth

I would like to meet you only once in my life

Sunday, 16th November 2008 at 03:59:47

This is the right message in your side Mrs. Abishekbatchan. Almost number one star in the world one and only SUPER STAR RAJINIKANTH only never beet it.
Sathish RRDonnelley

Sunday, 16th November 2008 at 00:34:39

to the moderator. pl. transalate in english, suprised to hear that nobody transalator available in english, pl. look in to this , many of our super star fans are not only tamil people in all lanuage we are there
It is already translated.


Saturday, 15th November 2008 at 09:57:17

he is a good of tamil industry and he is nice gentleman then he is very good politician our CM jai hind
Saturday, 15th November 2008 at 03:40:37

late understand
Sims,Sri lanka
Friday, 14th November 2008 at 23:38:02

rajini and iswarya both are beautiful
Friday, 14th November 2008 at 22:49:55

Translate the bloody article for crying out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't you want to non-tamil readers to be fans of the one and only superstar?????????????????????

Friday, 14th November 2008 at 12:46:24

Please translate
Friday, 14th November 2008 at 11:41:58

Translate in english plz!!!
Friday, 14th November 2008 at 10:14:24

thala always rock......

Ais should feel very fortunate that atleast now she has the chance to work with the living legend.

This is only beginning and many more to follow.

Friday, 14th November 2008 at 08:37:48

can u tranfer to english
Friday, 14th November 2008 at 08:33:13

Hi I am Rajini fan who lives in England, I been watching only a Blood Stone movie which is he is style and acting really great, than I decided to buy he is movies in DVD from Ayngeran International with subtitle, than I am start to watch all he is movies from 1980 to 2008. However I am looking for to watch he is old movies in English subtitle but there is no dvd available for old rajini movies.
SL Boy,Sri Lanka
Friday, 14th November 2008 at 08:28:05

Thank U soooooo Much ma'am
yes He is a Legend,

Friday, 14th November 2008 at 08:20:40

thats why he be the superstar from his early age to now..
thalaivar rocks in robot...

Friday, 14th November 2008 at 08:19:21

Its nice to see every co-actor of our super star have good things to say abt our super star....I pray to god that "endhiran" lives upto the expectations and stuff coal on faces of people who are waiting for rajni to fall...
Friday, 14th November 2008 at 06:54:39

i think she is the one who left in the list. whoever met our SS they flattend. he is a magic man.. no one can near.. anyway this is very sweet..thanks to I just have one doubt.. do these crabs sarathkumar,sathyaraj,bharathiraja ..seman would ever read this site... ?
k s amarnath,India/Bangalore
Friday, 14th November 2008 at 06:45:48

dear moderators I really sorry to show my anger to you people in this site now a times 99% of the articles are in Tamil and you give the translation very rarely and rajini fans like me who know only to speak and understand and don't know to read Tamil what the hell we should please tell us Note:-Sorry for using the word hell I used it in frustration


Dear Amarnath,

We understand your frustration. All we can do is request our translation team to help us on this. Members who are interested in helping us in translating articles from tamil to english are requested to send us mail and hope everyone knows our email id - It's rajinifans[at]


Friday, 14th November 2008 at 06:08:44

not only aishwarya,whole world wil say like that only

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