It was R.M. Veerappan’s 90th birthday when the audiences got the opportunity to hear a speech from superstar Rajinikanth. The megastar started his speech, saying, “I took part in the 125th day celebration of ‘Baasha’ produced by R.M.Veerappan. I spoke about the bomb blast culture getting stronghold in the state on that dais. The same night RMV sir lost his ministerial berth. I felt so bad after learning about it and telephoned him with fear. But he asked me not to feel bad for such things as they were the order of that day”.
Rajinikanth further stressed that health is an important part of the life. He said, “RMV sir has never went to a hospital for treatment. I know the pain of getting treated in a hospital. I request all of you to maintain a healthy life that does not require you to visit hospitals. Those who are above 50 please do exercises daily”.
The owner of Sathya Movies has worked with Rajni in many films including the commercially hit Baasha. Further, saying the Baasha with RMV is very close to his heart, the Lingaa star said, “People ask whether ‘Kabali’ will supersede ‘Baasha’. There is only one ‘Baasha’. No other film can surpass that”.