The moment we heard that Akshay Kumar would play the villainous lead opposite the superstar Rajinikanth in Shankar’s Robot 2, we were ecstatic. His potential as an actor is yet to be explored fully and such kind of films will prove that there is more to Akshay than just being a Khiladi. He has over the years proved that if challenged well, he can excel. Hence, Robot 2 is one film we are eagerly waiting for but turns out the actor has altogether different reason to be excited. He feels it will be an honour for him to get punched by Rajinikanth! Relax…it’s not us who is saying this but the man himself!
Talking to a leading daily, Akshay says, “Today, the action may seem a little funny, but at that time I would be gaping at the screen, wondering how Rajini sir did what he did. It was a marvel in technique and technology! He’s a wonderful actor and even more, a wonderful human being. It will be an honour to be punched by Rajini sir. It’s going be a different world for me -the graphics, the action and the adulation that he commands.” But tell you what, working with Thalaiva was never his dream because as Akshay explains, “These things don’t come to you even in a dream.” Aww…isn’t he the most cutest fan of Rajnikanth? You can almost hear the tone of unwavering appreciation for the Superstar!
Akshay was also asked to comment on whether he is aware that the antagonist’s role was first offered to Arnold Schwarzenegger. He says, “I have no idea, I just know that Shankar (director) and some of the others called me and told me they had a film for me.” Well, honestly speaking, we are more elated at your presence in the film than the Terminator! What say people?
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