Superstar Rajinikanth, AmitabhBachchan, Kamal Haasan and Sridevi on Tuesday came together to celebrate the 1,000th film of music composer Ilaiyaraaja at the music launch of Shamitabh, where the maestro was felicitated in the presence of the entire star cast of the film.
Amitabh Bachchan, Rajinikanth, and Kamal Haasan took turns to describe their association with the legendary composer.
"Raaja sir (referring to Illaiyaraaja) was very naughty and mischievous. We would gossip a lot and drink till morning. But one day, he transformed and changed everything about him, including his dressing style. After that, I didn’t feel like calling him Raaja sir. Since that day, I have called him Raaja Swami,” Rajinikanth says.
Rajinikanth added that when he sang two lines for Illaiyaraaja for a film, it took eight hours to record!